how long after a dog eats do they poop?-dogomni tips

how long after a dog eats do they poop

how long after a dog eats do they poop

If you are one of such a family who possesses a dog, then having certain knowledge regarding them will be quite useful to you. Many owners have doubts regarding how long after a dog eats do they poop so that you can ensure the better health of your pal. You may have felt that your puppy or adult dog properly have their meals and also concerns regarding why does my puppy takes so long to poop after eating.

This article will you complete information regarding the reason behind puppy poops before eating or do puppies poop after every meal so that by the end, you will have proper knowledge regarding the digestive system of your dog and thus can take the necessary precautions for their wellness.

How do the Digestive System of Dog Works:

Before understanding the answer to how soon after eating a dog defecates, it is important to note that a dog can defecate at any time. Let us investigate your dog’s digestive system. Similar to humans, dogs do have their digestive habits. It is a natural call, and one can’t have complete control over it. However, some intelligent breeds of dogs can hold their poop for some time until they are taken out for a walk. And things are slightly different with puppies as they are not potty trained and poops whenever and wherever they like. Some dogs can poop within minutes after their meals, while some can take hours. It is crucial to know that they are not excreting the stuff that they had just eaten but are the remains of their past meals. But if you make your dog perform some physical activity, you can definitely make their performance better.

The Working of Digestive System:

The digestion process of the dogs starts soon as your dog starts to eat. Apart from this, you should also know that dogs get excited when they see their favorite food, and due to such excitement, they swallow the food in a hurry without properly chewing it.

how long after a dog eats do they poop

But luckily, their mouth generates an enormous quantity of saliva that digests such partially chewed food. Getting further, the digestive process is continued, and the food is passed to the small intestine of your dog, where all the nutrients of the food are absorbed.

Soon after this, the remaining waste is transferred to the large intestine, where all the water is removed from it. And finally, the remains are thrown out. You should also know the second step of digestion, that is, the work of the large intestine is comparatively slower than that of the small intestine. 

The main solution to avoid the digestive system in the dog the owner should have a general idea of the breed of dog and the type of food in which they are comfortable. 

Exactly how long after a dog eats do they poop

The type of food plays a crucial role in deciding the pooping time of your dog. Wet foods are easier to digest, while dry ones can take some time. So the basic necessity of good food is that it should have high water content so that it can pass easily into the digestive system of your dog. There is several tin- canned food available that contains around 75% of water content. It does not mean that the manufacturers add ¾ quantities of pure water and remaining ingredients.

It simply means that the ingredients that they serve have 75% of water content in them. Take an example of muscle meat that has 75% of water content, and it is the most common meat that is used to prepare dog food. In case you had any queries regarding the moisture content of your dog food, you can check the ingredients label at the back of the can. 

Digestibility is the way by which one can expect or measure the number of nutrients that a dog can absorb from the food provided to it. This means that an easily digestible food will give less residual waste and also provide complete nutrients to your dogs at comparatively less time. So the fact is f your dog consumes easily digestible food, it is more likely needs a poop soon after its meal. 

In general, food that is less than 75% digestibility will leave 25% of poop which is considered as low-quality food, while food with 82% digestibility will leave 18% of poop. The latter one that is 82% digestible and above that, will be considered as high-quality food that you should provide to your dog.

Chicken(80.2%) and fish(87%) are the most popular protein sources for dogs as it has high digestive levels. On the other hand, lamb is not much suitable for dogs as its digestibility is low at 71%.

In case your dog meals include a greater proportion of grains, then such meals will require greater time for digestion as grains are rich in proteins. Again this is to remind you that you can check the components of food at the back/label of the dog food packet. In such labels, the ingredients are mentioned in descending order of their quantity. For example, if the grain is on the top, then that particular dog food has a larger amount of grains and thus, your dog will take greater time to digest the food.

Factors Affecting Pooping Schedule of Dogs:


 It is a fact that puppies and young dogs have a strong digestive system than adult dogs. The body of a young dog has a controlled bowel moment while puppies not so much. So make sure that you feed your puppies timely and not so often as they poop as they eat. Senior dogs can also bear the same problem as they do not have control over their bowel moment as they possessed when they were younger.

Diarrhea/ constipation: 

In case you witness that your dog poops less than usual, then it can be the symptoms of constipation. Such condition is caused by various factors such as food quality, less fiber content in food, lack of exercise, excessive sleepiness. There are several medical issues too that can cause problems of constipation in dogs. So if you are noticing the above changes in the dog, it will be better to take them to the vet for proper treatment.

Similarly, if your dog poops more frequently than normal, it can be condition of diarrhea. The poop of the dog changes its color, odor and can also witness loose motion. Such conditions generally occur when your dog has eaten a lot of food, unhygienic food, or such food that does not agree with his stomach. It is important to provide proper medication to a dog who is suffering from diarrhea, or else the condition can also get worsen.

Quantity of intake: 

In case you have offered a favorite treat to your dog, they may consume more than they require food and hence can poop more often. So you must supply a limited amount of food to your dog to control their pooping schedule.

Ingredients Present in Food:

Fiber is an important part of the diet for both humans and animals to ensure a healthy bowel movement. This is so because fiber helps o sustain the diet and helps the intestinal muscles to shift the food throughout the digestive system. It simply means that you should provide your dog food with adequate fiber content. Keeping the fiber content low will not help them to poop, while high fiber content will make them poop often. 

Varieties of Pooping Schedule in Canines:

As pooping schedules vary from person to person, and so are the dogs. You should know the fact that dog eliminates the previous meal and not the meal that they just had. Here are some of the common pooping schedules that your dg may witness.

Some Dog Poops Within Minutes:

Dogs that have fast digestion can digest food within minutes and will go out for poop within minutes. In such dogs, when the stomach is full, it triggers their colon, and it gets to perform its function. It simply means that if your dog is healthy and active, it will eliminate yesterday’s food immediately after its current meal.

Old or Adult Dogs:

For older or adult dogs whose digestion process is slow can take up to 30 minutes after their meal to eliminate the previous meal. As their digestive is slow as compared to a young dog, you have to stimulate it by taking them for a long walk and wait outside for about 10-15 min to do their business properly for younger dogs and about 30 min for older dogs.

Some Dogs Poop 2-3 Times a Day:

Many such dogs poop at least 2-3 times a day and also urinate often. For such dogs, it will be better if you take them for short walks between their meals.

Puppies Poop the Most:

Puppies can poop at least 8-10 times a day due to their strong digestive system. Such poop can be just after a minute after they had their meal. For such puppies, it is better to take them for a walk soon after their meal. It is advisable to begin their potty training as soon as possible.


Sometimes taking your pal to a new place and engaging them with new people or other dogs can also create bowel disorders in them. In such a case, it is necessary to know the reason why your dog is under stress and try to make them comfortable. 

Some Common FAQs:

QUE: How long does it take for a dog to digest food and poop it out?

As per experts, it takes around 8 to 10 hours for the digesting system of the dogs to digest their meals completely. It may also take up to 12 hours for certain breeds of dogs, and the type of food they take is also considered.

QUE: How long does it take a dog to poop?

The pooping time of the dogs depends on their breed and several other factors such as their age, digestive track, exercise, and type of food they intake. Generally, for smaller breeds of dogs, it may take 4 hours after their meal to poop, while for larger breeds of dogs, it can be about 8 to 10 hours.

QUE: How long after a dog drinks does it need to pee?

Smaller puppies may pee just after 15 minutes of their meal or drinks. For an elderly dog, the approximate time can be considered as 10-15 minutes after they had drunk water or had their meals.

QUE: How to Clean a Puppy’s Mouth After Eating Poop?

Here are some of the quick ways that you can use to clean a puppy’s mouth after he had eaten poop.

  1. Provide your pup with food and water. By this, he will generate saliva, which will clean his mouth naturally.
  2. Provide your pup with dental chew. It also generates enough saliva in the pup’s mouth to clean it.
  3. Soon after this, you can provide your dog with water and can clean its mouth with a clean cloth. You can also use easily available mouthwash for dogs in such cases. Make sure that you do not use a human mouthwash. 

QUE: Can I teach my dog to poop in a specific spot?

Yes, by providing proper training, you may train your dog to poop at any specific spot.

QUE: Will, your dog, get sick from eating poop?

Many times it is harmless if your dog consumes poop. But sometimes, there is a risk of spreading infections in the stomach of your dog and can lead to diarrhea and vomiting. So it is better to avoid such habits in a dog. 

I hope that as a dog owner, you are quite aware of how long after a dog eats do they poop. It is quite easy to maintain the bowel moment of your dog by providing them with high digestive food and regular exercise. In case you have any worries, you can surely consult your vet.


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