how does a mother dog kill her puppies?

how does a mother dog kill her puppies

It is the worst nightmare of any dog owner when they see their female dogs killing their babies. Whether it is purposeful or accidental raises the question of how does a mother kill her puppies. Unfortunately, such practice is not uncommon in the animal world. There are several reasons why the mother dog takes such a decision. … Read more

The Mystery Behind why do german shepherds tilt their heads

why do german shepherds tilt their heads

Thinking About Why Do German Shepherds Tilt Their Heads? Every dog lover is often curious to know why do German shepherds tilt their heads. German shepherd breeds of dogs are one of the adorable and cutest breeds of dogs. There are actually several reasons behind tilting their heads. One of the prominent ones is to listen to … Read more

Common Reasons to why are small dogs so annoying

why are small dogs so annoying

Reasons to why are small dogs so annoying Everyone is aware of the fact that small dogs are much more yappier than big dogs. Small dogs are also found to have more energetic, aggressive, and excitable. People often ask why are small dogs so annoying as compared to bigger dogs. This article will provide you with some … Read more

do dogs miss their puppies

Do dogs miss their puppies Every dog owner, especially the owner of female dogs, often has queries behind do dogs miss their puppies. It is obvious as an owner does not want their dog to get disheartened. For such owners, the direct answer to this question is yes, mother dogs miss their puppies if you separate them … Read more

can a small dog get pregnant by a large dog?-dogomni

can a small dog get pregnant by a large dog

can a small dog get pregnant by a large dog Many dog owners often had queries regarding can a small dog get pregnant by a large dog. The question regarding a small dog pregnant by a large dog is obvious because you may have seen several crossbreeds of dog which is beautiful and adorable. You will … Read more

how long after a dog eats do they poop?-dogomni tips

how long after a dog eats do they poop

how long after a dog eats do they poop If you are one of such a family who possesses a dog, then having certain knowledge regarding them will be quite useful to you. Many owners have doubts regarding how long after a dog eats do they poop so that you can ensure the better health of your … Read more

best 4 ways how to comfort a dog in pain

how to comfort a dog in pain

The Perfect Answers to How to Comfort a dog in pain Owning a pet is somewhat one of the happiest moments of life. You can feed them, play with them, and spent time with your pet when you are alone and need companionship. But sometimes, there is such a situation when your dog is in … Read more

7 reasons why does my dog stretch so much?

why does my dog stretch so much

Some Cool Facts Regarding Why my dog stretch so much As an owner, you may see your pal stretching too much in front of you. You may also have wondered Why my dog stretch so much. This article will provide you with some genuine answers regarding such an act of dog. There are many reasons behind the … Read more

The True Answers to when to euthanize a dog with hemangiosarcoma

when to euthanize a dog with hemangiosarcoma

when to euthanize a dog with hemangiosarcoma Hemangiosarcoma is such type of deadly cancer that cannot be detected at an early stage. Its symptoms may vary from dog to dog. It can be detected only with a proper diagnosis that too if there is a presence of any tumour or haemorrhage. This is why many … Read more

what happens if my dog gives birth to a dead puppy?

my dog gave birth to a dead puppy

My dog gave birth to a dead puppy- The Best Ways to Deal in Such Situation. We all know that the birth of new puppies is a memorable and exciting moment. Unfortunately, some of the owners stuck with a situation to my dog gave birth to a dead puppy. The moment is surely full of sadness and … Read more