Why do dogs come to you when you whistle
Several dog owners use the whistle as a common and effective tool to call their dogs. Such training is especially given to outside working dogs to call them when they go out of their owner’s range. You may have wondered Why do dogs come to you when you whistle. Is it their inbuilt tendency, or are they trained to do so?
The answer to this is no, dogs do not have any natural tendency to respond to a whistle, and perhaps they are properly trained to listen and respond to a particular whistle. Such behavior can be induced in dogs with vigorous training with the help of treats, praise, and rewards. After which, dogs will listen to your whistle and will be curious to come near you as soon as they hear it. There are certain reasons behind why
Get to Know why do dogs come to you when you whistle
If you have often wondered about Why does my dog lick me when I whistle, curiosity is one of the primary reasons behind it. Such act is more common in puppies as they are more curious about what their owners have for them. It is good because it shows how active your dog is and is aware of its surroundings, and is confident to explore, especially when new noise is spread in the surrounding. This tendency of dogs is the primary advantage of training your dog to come to you when you whistle.
Some dogs get surprised by hearing any type of new sound in the environment. Dogs also get scared, especially puppies, and try to reach back at their owners, seeking protection. As an owner, you should make your dog comfortable with such sounds and make them understand that’s completely normal and nothing to worry about. To make your dog comfortable with whistling sounds, increase the frequency of whistles during the day and get your dog used to it.
One of the reasons that dogs come to their owner when they whistle is perhaps rewarding. Your dog may have learned in the training that he gets treats or rewards while responding to whistling sounds and comes for the same. So in case you are training your dog to respond to whistles, rewards and praises are the best options.

Steps to Train Your Dog To Respond to Whistle:
In case you know how to whistle with your fingers, it can prove to be a great tool to teach your dog to listen to the whistle. Make sure that your dog should know both whistle and verbal commands to come back to you for a safer side. Here are the steps through which you can train your dog to respond to the whistle.
- Whenever your dog comes towards you, make a whistling sound and at the same time reward your dog. Repeat the steps for few times so that your dog can understand the relation between whistle and reward.
- Now increase the distance between you and your dog and whistle again, and see that your dog comes toward you.
- Gradually increase the distance until a whistling sound can be heard by your dog, and praise and reward your dog when he approaches you. In case your dog does not respond, decrease the distance and try again.
- Finally, after a few days of training, there will come a phase when your dog will be comfortable whistling and will approach you whenever you whistle for sure.
Learned to Come Home After Listening to Whistle:
Many dog owners train their dogs to come to them when it is their home time, and so dogs do the same. Several popular dog whistles can be heard at a long distance in wood, reminding working dogs to return home. The main advantage of such a whistle is that its sound does not disturb other animals or birds in the forest.
Ways to desensitize your dog from Whistling Sound:
Now, if you know Why do dogs come to you when you whistle but feel that your dog is too much scared of the whistling sound, then you have to be ready for its desensitized training. You can easily teach your pal that the sound of a whistle is good, and that’s nothing to scare of it through desensitization training. For this, you may need such equipment through which you can vary the volume of sounds, such as a computer or TV and, of course, one of your dog’s favorite treats.
You can start your training with low sound initially and gradually increase the sound if you feel that your dog is comfortable. Remember to offer him treats if he gets comfortable with the sound. If at any particular volume your dog gets afraid, then start the process again by lowering the volume.
Common FAQs:
QUE: Does whistling noise like by dogs?
ANS: For several dos whistling sound is exciting. They become curious with their ears to perk up and start to find out the origin of the sound. Hence dogs like to hear to whistle and it’s the owner’s responsibility to make them comfortable with such sounds.
QUE: Does whistling disturb the activities of the dog?
ANS: Mostly whistling sound does not disturb the activities of the dog, especially when you introduce it positively. But many dogs may get scared initially by the sound of the whistle, but after proper desensitization training, they get comfortable.
QUE: Is the Dog whistle bad for my dog?
ANS: Dog whistles are completely safe for your dog, and they never hurt the ears of your dog. But you should limit the sound of the whistle and use it in an emergency if your dog is unable to respond to your whistle. Too much use of a dog whistle will make your dog immune to it, and he may not respond whenever you use it.
QUE: Are dogs afraid of the whistle?
ANS: Dogs often get afraid of louder sounds such as sirens, accidents, and the use of heavy machinery. The whistling sound is completely normal for dogs, and with proper training, your dog will get used to the sound of the whistle.
QUE: How far can whistle sound be heard by dogs?
ANS: It has been found that a whistling sound can be heard from around 400 feet by dogs. Some dogs who find it hard to listen will hear the listening sound when they are closer than 400 feet.
QUE: Why do some dogs behave weirdly when they listen to whistling sounds?
ANS: Dogs, especially puppies who are not properly exposed to whistling sounds, may behave weirdly initially by the sound of the whistle. But that is nothing to worry about, as proper desensitization training will make your dog comfortable with such sounds.
I hope that now you are well aware of the fact about why do dogs come to you when you whistle. It is fun to train your dog to respond to whistles as you can even save them from upcoming danger by calling them back. Through proper training, you can use such commands over dogs from time to time.