Owning a pet is somewhat one of the happiest moments of life. You can feed them, play with them, and spent time with your pet when you are alone and need companionship. But sometimes, there is such a situation when your dog is in extreme pain, and you did not know How to comfort a dog in pain. There are several ways by which you can give temporary pain relief for dogs at their last time.

This article will give you complete information regarding when to put your dog down the checklist and some best ways to make it painless. So let us know some of the effective ways regarding the same.

Steps to How to comfort a dog in pain

Be Calm and Keep Patience:

As the dog gets older, they tend to puke or poops anytime and anywhere. This is because they lose their control over such movements. Make sure that you do not get annoyed by their such acts and understand the reasons and problems that your pal is facing. So in case, you see them urinating in your house and on your carpet, clean them gently without showing anger to your dog.

how to comfort a dog in pain

Shouting at them will make the situation even more and will depress the dog. If possible, you can also arrange them with pet diapers and can also place waterproof pads that are made for pets around their bedding.

Get them Quiet Place:

At the last hours of your pal, he would be witnessing extreme pain, anguishment, and stress. To provide them comfort, it is advisable to keep them in a silent and calm place free from all sorts of noise. It will even be better that you do not introduce them to a new pet or people as it may create stress on your pal. 

Provide them with love and a cozy bed:

A dog tends to relax and sleep more at the time of their end. So provide them with a well-comfortable bed so that they may have a sound sleep. The beds should be clean, dry, and should be draught-free. Also, take care of the weather conditions prevailing at that time. For example, if there are winters, provide them with a blanket. Physical comfort such as hugs and kisses are equally important in such times. You can also talk with them in a loving and calm tone. Your tone should possess love, concern, and pleasure, as your dog can recognize the tone of the voice at which you are speaking to him. 

how to comfort a dog in pain

Keep them Hydrated:

During the end times of your pet, he may not be willing to eat or drink much. This is because their bodies are in a stage of shutting down, and their body does not have much desire to intake food and water. It may be possible that your pet will not eat for a couple of days but make sure that you provide them with water to keep them hydrated. This is because dehydration will increase its pain, and their death can be more painful.

You can check the dehydration problem in your dog by doing its skin test. For this, you can lift the skin present on the back of their neck. Now, you can pull its skin, and if the skin gets back at its proper place without making a lump, then you can ensure that your pet is hydrated. But such a test is difficult in the case of old dogs as their skin loses its elasticity naturally. Similarly, such tests are also difficult in the case of wrinkly dogs. 

So for such dogs, you can do a capillary refill test. You can press their gums with the help of your finger and leave it gently. If you see the presence of a white spot for few seconds, which restores to pink, then your dog is well hydrated. But if the gums retain t pink after some time, then you can say that your dog is not well hydrated. Some other symptoms of dehydration in dogs include excessive drooling, thick saliva, sunken eyes, dry gums, weakness, and panting.

For such dogs, you can offer wet foods that possess a good content of moisture. You can also provide your dog with crushed ice cubes if you feel that your dog is unable to drink water on its own. You can also provide electrolyte solutions to your dog in case your dog is not vomiting. 

how to comfort a dog in pain

So if now you are well aware of How to comfort a dog in pain, let us try to find out the symptoms in dogs who are about to die. The journey of the dog towards its death depends upon whether he is dying due to a medical condition or due to its old age. Such signs may vary from dog to dog and their health status. Some definite signs of dogs who are about to die includes-

  • Problems in breathing mean breath can be shallower or longer.
  • Discharge oozes out from their nose or eyes.
  • Abnormal crying sounds
  • Seizures
  • Lack of stability and coordination in the body.
  • Blood in stool or urine
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy.

At much serious time that is just before twenty-four to 48 hours before its death, the pain of dog increases, and one must decide the

following reasons to put your dog down-

  • Your dog will like to live alone, away from its family members, in a quiet place.
  • Nearly 90% loss of its energy.
  • Complete loss of appetite and water
  • Shedding heavily accompanied with bald patches in their skin.
  • Your dog may start scratching and licking its body
  • Your dog will give a foul odor from its mouth, skin, and ears.
  • Will limp
  • Difficulty in a moment, for example, going upstairs and downstairs.
  • Loss in bowel control or over bladder control, 

For all the above symptoms, you have to contact your vet for his advice. Generally, there are two phases of dying, as per researchers. The one is the pre-active stage, while the other one is the active stage. The pre-active phase of dying usually starts two weeks before the actual death of your dog. While the active phase starts three days before its death. However, the exact duration may vary from breeds to breeds and also depends on the health status of the dog and its ability to bear the pain. 

When to euthanize a Dog?

The correct time to euthanize a dog is when you see that the life he is living is not worth it. You may feel that your body loses the full capability to fight from pain, and your pal is no longer living an enjoyable life. So when you feel that such stage of your dog has reached, make arrangements for its euthanization process.

After Death:

A soon as you see that your dog is no more with you. Place your hands on the left side of your dog underneath to check for its heartbeat. If you feel that its heartbeat has not stopped yet, you can contact your vet after performing CPR. But if you feel that the heartbeat of your dog has stopped completely, then your dog is no more with you. But make sure to get it confirmed with your vet, and do not be in a hurry to bury your dog. You should know the fact that only an expert vet can confirm its death as there are minor changes that your pet is alive and you are unable to identify it. Some signs that your pet may show its presence of life in them include twitching, the release of air from its mouth, and the release of bodily fluids. Your dog will also experience stiffness of joints and rigour Mortis after four to five hours of its death. If you are burying your pet in your backyard, then make sure you do so by framing him in a curled position similar to how they usually sleep. You can place them in a biodegradable casket. This is because your burial process will be difficult if they are lying on their sides and their body gets stiff at that position itself. Make sure that your state laws allow you to provide burial of your pets at your house as it is restricted at some places. 

How to Deal With Guilty Left?

Whether you or a vet has euthanized your dog, normally, you feel that you do not have the right to take lofe of someone. But you have to be emotionally stable and should think that all these acts you have done reduce their pain. 

You can memorize the moments that you have enjoyed with your pet. If you have any pictures or videos of him, you can watch that. In case you have children make them understand that it’s a completely natural process.  It would be better that you talk with such friends who have also been in a place before where you had been. By this, you can convey your feelings in a better way. It could also be great that you plan to buy some other pet to fill the missing space in your heart.

Some Common FAQs:

Q: How can I ease my dogs’ pain at home?

You can provide your dog with comfort by providing it with a cozy bed and blankets. You can also massage them and spent some time with them in their sickness and pain.

Q: What can I give my dog for pain?

There are several prescribed medicines available with the vet to relax your dog in pain. The common ones are carprofen, firocoxib, meloxicam, etc. 

Q: How do you know when a dog is suffering?

In case your dog is suffering from the pain, he may show the symptoms like-

  • Agitation
  • Growling and crying
  • Likes to stay alone
  • Stop eating
  • Aggressiveness and less active

Q: What are all of the signs of an abused dog?

Some of the prominent signs of abuse dogs include tucket tail, marks of human contact, limping, whining, over submissive, and avoidance of physical contact.

Q: Where do old dogs go to die?

Old dogs usually like to die in places that are calm and where they are alone. Such places can be your backyard, garage, or even woods. Usually, they are the opposite of humans who wants to be surrounded by their loved ones. Several researchers have found out that dogs and some other animals usually their instinct to die alone in the wild. By this, they feel relaxed. They usually do not like noisy and such places where there are humans, or other animals are present. 

So a dog listens to their bodies and understands that they cannot survive now and have lost complete control over their moment and body they escape from the scenario and lie somewhere in a calm place.

Q: What are the major cons to be a vet?

The major cons of being a vet include seeing the animals in pain and distress, to performed euthanasia, and risk of being attacked by pets. Other cons of vet also include works on weekends and always be ready for medical emergencies.

Q: Will a dog cry if in pain?

Yes, the dog will cry in pain together with yelping, whimpering, whining, snarling, and growling. Such signs in the dog are related to their pain, and an owner must not neglect its cry and contact your vet as early as possible to provide your dog with proper medications.

Q: What can I give my dog for temporary pain relief?

Drugs such as Metacam, Previcox, Rimadyl, and Novox are best suited to relieve dogs in pain. But such medications should be given under vet supervision.

I hope that now you are well aware regarding suitable measures to How to comfort a dog in pain. If your lovely pal is approaching an end, he will surely need your patience, understanding, and love. Make sure to keep yourself emotionally stable during such times.