How to Get Dog’s Hair To Grow Back Faster

Have you have ever been in such a situation recently when you observe your dog losing hair at a rapid speed. Commonly, some percentage of dog shedding is natural, but heavy shedding brings up the question of how to get a dog’s hair to grow back. The situation is not so worse, and one should not get panic. This article will give you some effective home remedies to cure the hair fall off your dog, along with some dog hair growth food.

As per the breeds of dogs, every dog has some definite time to grow its hair back. For example, Golden Retrievers shed their hair too often, and one can expect their hair to come within 130 days. But some breeds such as poodles may take more than a year for their hair growth. But it is possible to enhance your dog’s hair growing skills. For this, you have to supply them with lemon juice, topical olive oil, Aloe Vera, essential oils, coconut oils, etc. These are supplements that promoted hair growth.

Importance of Hair Cutting in Dogs:

The majority of the owners are always confused regarding why there is a need to trim or maintain the hair of your dog. The answer to it is yes, regular trimming of the hairs is essential, especially when you see their hair grow along the face and body of your dog. You can cut your dog hairs by yourself by using effective tools and can even take them to any professional groomer. Below are some of the essential reasons why your dog needs a haircut.

  • It maintains good hygiene and better skin quality for your dog.
  • It helps in maintaining the temperature of the body of your dog.
  • It avoids the conditions of grass seed in dogs.
  • Sometimes hair cutting is essential due to some medical issues.

Is there is Necessity to Shave My Dog Completely?

The answer to this is no for such dog owners who possess double-coated breeds of dogs. For remaining, it depends on the situation. If you think that you shave your dog during summers to keep them cool, you are completely wrong. Saving your dog completely will lose its natural ability to get its cool by itself. And in the case of double-coated furs, the outer layer was supposed to save their skin from getting burn which you probably can remove by having it. It will also result in degradation of the texture of your dog’s growth the next time when its hair grows. Here are some of the prominent reasons why double-coated furs need not be shaved-

  • Shaving will never help them to keep your dog cool
  • Degradation of the coat in future
  • Can irritate the skin of your dog
  • Your dog may witness sunburns
  • Probability of skin cancer
  • Not helpful in controlling shedding

Breeds of dogs that are not recommended to be shaved are Huskies, Border Collies, Shelties, Newfoundland, Aussie Shepherds, Malamutes, and any such double-coated breeds.

Does Dog Hair Grow Back if Shaved?

Yes, in case you have accidentally shaved your dog, you have a chance that you can get its fur back. It normally takes around 2-3 months to get the hairs of your dog as before if you take good care of it. 

Reasons Behind Hair Fall in Dogs:

how to get a dog's hair to grow back

Before knowing answers to how to get a dog’s hair to grow back, let us discuss some of the possible reasons behind the hair fall of your dog. It is essential to understand the reason behind hair fall so that proper treatment can be applied.

Health problems:

Such excessive hair fall in dogs can be due to some health problems in them. So if you detect such problems in dogs at an early stage, you can help your pal to grow its hair again in an effective manner. You can also take your dog to the vet if you are unable to detect any health issues and are confused. He may sun some blood tests to understand the situation.

Your vet needs to check for some serious diseases in dogs such as Mange(caused by mites), Hypothyroidism, Bacterial infections, Ringworms, Cushing’s disease(a disease caused due to hormonal infection in dogs). You should also make sure that you have never shave your dog’s hair as then it would be difficult to detect the problems behind hair fall. Here are some of the other reasons behind hair fall in your dogs.

Fleas, Ticks, allergies:

If your dogs are exposed to fleas and ticks, there may be a problem. They might develop some allergies that are causing hair loss in dogs. This happens because such allergies cause severe itching, and dog when tries to scratch their skin it causes hairs to fall. Similarly, if your dog is exposed to such products or environment in which he had allergic problems, it can also lead to hair fall of your dog. Such allergies can also be generated from the various chemicals that you use for cleaning purpose of your house and backyard. Also, if you have recently had made changes in your dog’s diet or are providing it with some medications, that can also be the reason behind the same.

Stress and Pressure Sores:

Stress in dogs is also the reason behind their hair fall. Such stress can be due to loneliness in dogs or taking them to an unfamiliar environment such as new people, noise, sounds, etc. The stress can also be if you have recently shifted them to some new place where there are changes in weather and water quality.

Bedsores or also called pressure sores, are local injuries that are developed on the elbows of your dogs when they sleep on any hard surface. In such cases, get their treatment and provide them with some cozy and soft beds to sleep in.

Steps to Follow if Detected Hair Growth/ Problems in Dogs:

In case you are witnessing hair loss in your dogs and are worried regarding will it get their hair back like before, here are the exact steps that you need to follow.

Step#1 Visit Vet to Identify the Problem

As soon as you witnessed excess hair loss in your dog and had seen bald spots on your dog, it’s time to contact your vet ASAP. Your vet will examine the dog and see if there any antibiotics and ailment need to be provided with the dog. He may also run a blood test of your dog to check for certain serious symptoms such as-

  • Bacterial infections include the advent of parasites, or allergic, or any sort of hormonal problems.
  • For fungal infections caused by ringworms
  • Mange, Hypothyroidism, and others
how to get a dog's hair to grow back

Additionally, you can also tell your vet about any recent changes that you have seen with your dog. It also includes its health and eating behavior, rashes, skin infection, etc. You can also inform your vet if you feel that your dog is acting abnormally or weirdly. All such information will be quite helpful for the vet to identify the cause behind the problem. Here are some of the important parameters that you can share with your vet.

  • You can tell your vet if he is recently gone through lethargy, weight gain, and possessed skin discoloration. In such a case, your vet will take its test towards a condition of hypothyroidism.
  • In case of bruised skin and an urge to thirst along with quick urination, these are symptoms of Cushing’s disease.
  • Also, mention to your vet that if you have taken your dog to some new environmental conditions, including a new home or doggy care centers.

Step #2 Identify the Problem behind Excessive Hair Loss and Reason behind Delay in Hair Growth

how to get a dog's hair to grow back

Apart from visiting the vet, you can also monitor the changes in the dog’s behavior, such as scratching, biting, and restlessness. Such acts also enhance the condition of hair loss and problems related to re-growing of the hair. Allergies, nutritional deficiencies, anxiety, stress, and skin infections can be the possible reasons behind it.

You can also use a flea comb to check for fleas in the coat of your dog. For this, run a cob closely within the fur of your dog close and rub the comb on a paper towel where you can easily spot the presence of fleas. If you see that the fleas present on your dog are reddish-brown, you can get some medications from your vet regarding this.

The medications and antibiotics if are given orally to the dog. You can provide them by mixing them with their food. For treating various problems, the medications will be different. For example, itraconazole or griseofulvin is prescribed for ringworms, a milestone for Cushing’s disease, and bacterial infections are cured by antibiotics.

Some Cool Remedies to how to get a dog’s hair to grow back At Homes:

The secret is to provide your dog with a nutritious diet to get its hair back. You should also provide them with sound sleep, exercise, grooming regularly, and keep them happy. Below are some of the proven ways by which you can help your pal to get his beautiful coat back.

Lemon Juice:

Lemon juice contains citric acid and possesses anti-bacterial properties. Its properties can help your dog to keep his skin free from any bacteria. By eliminating such bacteria, you can prevent their hair loss and help them to maintain a good immune system to recover their hair back.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera has plenty of benefits for hair, both for humans as well as for dogs. Aloe Vera possesses certain enzymes and nutrients by which you can remove the dead skin of your dog and provide them with new fresh skin that has better hair growth properties. So you can apply a gel of Aloe Vera to the affected skin of your dog to cure them of itching and for hair growth too.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple Cider vinegar is a good source of acetic acid. It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that can boost the immune system of your dog. All you have to do is to mix equal parts of water and this apple cider vinegar and apply the mixture to the affected areas of your dog. You can dip the solution with a cotton ball and then can gently apply it to the skin of your dog. If you feel that your dog has been affected, you can give him a complete anti-bacterial bath for good results.

Essential Oils:

Essential oils are also one of the wonderful ways to treat your dog with hair loss. The only thing you have to consider while using such oils that they are pet-friendly. Such oils will prove quite helpful in controlling scratching, itching, and fighting the stress in your dogs. You have to use diluted essential oils and start using them with a lesser amount first. If you feel that your dog is not allergic to it then you can increase the dose as per desire.

Coconut Oils, Flaxseed Oils, and Topical olive oils:

These are also some of the common products that can help to control hair loss in your dogs. You can apply coconut oil directly to the affected areas of your dogs. The lyric acid that is present in coconut oils can curb harmful pathogens like bacteria and yeast that damages the skin of your dog. 

Similarly, Flaxseed oil is also proved great in bringing the coat of your dog to a healthy state. The coat f your dog will grow more quickly if you apply flaxseed oil to the affected areas. Such oils contain Omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial for dogs fighting hair loss problems. The oil is also suitable for the treatment of cuts and burns on the skin. The same case is with Olive oil that makes the skin of your dog healthy and shiny. These were some of the best answers on how to grow dog hair faster home remedies.

Using a Good Shampoo:

In case you are witness hair loss or hair growth problems in your dog, you can use hydrocortisone shampoo. Such shampoos are also available in the form of sprays by which they can remain stick for a longer time to the body of the dog. It helps to heal the skin and soothes it. You should know that itching and pain in the skin of the dog should be controlled because if your dog itches on the affected area it will take longer for the hair to grow on that selected area. Never use human shampoo for your dog as such shampoos contain lots of such ingredients and chemicals that are harmful to the dogs. Dog shampoo is specially made for dogs that have PH suited for the dog’s skin. You can use hydrocortisone products not more than twice a week.

Regarding Melatoine Treatment in Dogs:

This treatment is also provided by a vet in case of hair loss due to Cushing’s disease. Normally the dose is provided orally to the dog and twice a day. The dosage depends on the weight of your dog and has some mild side effects such as sleeplessness and gastric problems.

how to get a dog's hair to grow back

As of now, you have understood that shaving your dog is not the perfect solution o keep your dog cool in the summers. It merely increases the problem in dogs and will delay their hair growth too. Here are some of the tips by which you can keep your dog cool in summer-

  • Do not keep your pet in the parked car for a longer period in summers as such cars generate much heat within them. It can also be deadly as your dog may die due to suffocation or excessive trapped heat.
  • Offer them lots of cool and fresh water, especially in summers. Pets such as cats and dogs need plenty of water to survive. Lack of water on their body can make them dehydrated and will affect the coat quality of your dog.
  • Always try to keep them in a shelter, especially when there are strong sun rays during summer. The main way by which dog keeps themselves cool is through the panting. It is only possible when there is cool air flowing around them. In shelters, the temperature of the air is slightly less than the outside surroundings. It is also best to keep the dog indoors when it is really hot outside.
  • Bathe and brush your pet regularly in summer. Through brushing, you can eliminate the dead furs from their body which will help the skin of the dog better access to the fresh air. Your dog will be saved from skin infection or dermatitis. It is also suggested by several vets that you can groom them daily in extreme summer seasons.

After all the above efforts, you will not need to shave your dog in summer and increase your problems regarding his hair growth or hair fall.

Some Common FAQs:

Q: How long does it take for a dog’s hair to grow back after being shaved?

Normally it takes around two to three months for the hairs of the dogs to grow at a decent state. But several factors such as breeds, diet, environment do have some impact on the hair growth rate. In case you have shaved your dog it may take some extra time as it depends on the presence of single and double coats in that particular dog.

Q: What is Hair Loss Related to Infection?

Yes, the infection conditions in the skin of your dog may have hair loss-related issues. The infection may be bacterial or fungal.

Q: How Long Does it Take for Dogs’ Hair to Grow?

It takes around two to three months for a shaved dog to grow its hair back, but it also varies from breed to breed.

Q: Can All Dog Breeds Have Summer Haircuts?

All dogs need to follow hair trim procedures, especially in summer as part of their maintenance. Summer is not much of an exception in such matters, and such grooming has to be followed regularly for every breed of dogs.

QUE: Why Dogs Need Haircuts?

Dogs need a haircut and proper grooming so that the oils present in their skin are distributed evenly and preventing them from the conditions of skin infection, mats and tangles. The new hair thus grows are stronger, shiner, and healthy.

Q: Why Double Coated Dogs Should Not be Shaved?

It is not right to shave dogs with double-coated fur. In such a situation, the undercoat of the dog is still present, and that does not protect the skin of the dog from the sun causing risk of infection and overheating of the skin problems.

Q: Can Adult Dogs Regrow Teeth? Is It Possible?

Dogs in their puppy stage may grow their lost teeth, but an adult dog, if lost its teeth, cannot grow it back.

Q: Which CBD is Right For Your Pet?

In case you are planning to buy CBD for your pal, it will be good that you avoid such CBD that is labeled with full-spectrum as it may contain THC, which is harmful or toxic for your dog’s health. It is good that you select such organic products.

Q: Melatonin for Dogs: Is It Safe?

Melatonin is safe for dogs and can be given to dogs that have a sleep or anxiety-related issues. Make sure that you give them the only prescribed dose that is 1 mg per 20 pounds of your dog. It will take a time around 30 minutes for melatonin to show its effect.

 I hope that now you have received plenty of information regarding how to get a dog’s hair to grow back and the need for hair grooming in dogs. It is essential to use such natural supplements to increase the hair growth rate of your dog for better results. You can also consult your vet regarding the same if you fail to witness any positive results.

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